Have your say on whether you would be prepared to pay more to continue the improvements already being made by the force. There are just two weeks left of the survey which so far hasn't seen as many responses as previous years, with responses especially lower in Swindon. Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Wilkinson’s Use Your Voice: Budget and Precept survey launched at the start of the month, and he is urging people to make their views known. Mr. Wilkinson said last week that he feels he could be left with no choice but to ask for the maximum precept increase which will see a Band D property pay an additional £1.16 a month (£14 per year), due to the government settlement leaving funding gap of £11M with no precept increase, and a gap of £6.8M with the maximum precept increase of 5.2% He said: “Although it looks likely that I will need to ask for the maximum increase as I have previously discussed, it’s important for me to understand which parts of policing are a priority for residents, where any problem areas may lie and gauge general public confidence levels – so please do take ten minutes out of your day to help inform my next steps.” |