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Wiltshire Police improvements recognised in latest PEEL inspection report

Wiltshire Police’s improvements have been recognised in the latest Police Efficiency, Effectiveness and Legitimacy (PEEL) report from His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). 

This follows the Force being taken out of ‘Engage’ in May 2024, due to the progress made against concerns raised by HMICFRS in their previous inspection.


As part of the PEEL inspection process, HMICFRS provides gradings to forces against various aspects of service delivery. These are (in order of highest to lowest grade):  Outstanding, Good, Adequate, Requires Improvement and Inadequate.


In 2022, when Wiltshire Police was last inspected, 8 areas were graded, 5 of which were Requires Improvement and 3 Inadequate. In the latest report, 9 areas were graded – 2 of which were Good, 3 were Adequate and 4 were Requires Improvement. No areas were found to be Inadequate by HMICFRS in their latest inspection.


Examples of the improvements noted within HMICFRS’ report include:

  • Wiltshire Police were found to listen and respond to what matters to its communities

  • A range of activity demonstrating that Wiltshire Police is committed to tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB) 

  • Good management of offenders and suspects to ensure arrests are made swiftly and victims are safeguarded at the earliest opportunity.

  • HMICFRS found Wiltshire Police to be effective at dealing with online child abuse – working closely with partners to reduce the risk of harm to children. 

  • Significant improvement in the use of THRIVE risk assessments by Crime and Communications Centre staff, ensuring that vulnerability and repeat victims are identified at the earliest opportunity. 

  • Significant improvements in the way the Force uses stop and search powers fairly and respectfully 

  • Improvements in how the Force deals with domestic abuse, including the roll out of Domestic Abuse Matters training to 1,650 officers and staff, increased arrest rates and the introduction of Listening Circles 


  • Areas for further focus highlighted in the report include: 

  • Making further improvements to crime recording, including the time taken to record crime

  • Ensuring that the Force consistently achieves appropriate outcomes for victims

  • Ensuring that emergency calls are answered quickly and that the number of abandoned non-emergency calls is reduced

  • Ensuring effective supervisory oversight of investigations and that all investigative opportunities are taken

  • Addressing inconsistencies in the staffing of specialist departments

  • Using insights from data to improve the service provided to vulnerable people

  • Improving how data is gathered on stop and search and use of force.


  • Chief Constable Catherine Roper said “I welcome the independent scrutiny and assessment that HMICFRS provide and the publication of their latest PEEL report today. I fully acknowledge and accept all their findings and recommendations for further improvement.

    “Whilst we have seen significant improvements in some areas of the policing service we provide, we recognise that we still have much more to do to ensure that policing in Wiltshire and Swindon is at the consistently high quality our communities expect and deserve. 

    “The Police and Crime Commissioner holds me to account on behalf of communities for providing the best possible service. This HMICFRS report provides some good indications that we are improving. However, I share HMICFRS’ concerns that we haven’t made the progress we would have wanted to in some areas.

    “We have a clear three-year strategic plan that outlines what we are doing to continue improving our service and our operational priorities of Safer Public Spaces, Tackling Violence and Burglary provide an anchor point for our policing activity to ensure that we are dealing with the issues that matter to our communities. We have also introduced a more robust approach to monitoring our performance – this enables us to identify areas of concern more quickly so that we can tackle it robustly and provide reassurance to our communities.

    “Our mission is Keeping Wiltshire Safe. I remain steadfast in my belief that by maintaining a relentless focus on continuous improvement, working closely with our communities and partners, we can provide the best possible policing service and ensure that our communities feel truly safe.”


    A copy of HMICFRS’ report can be found on their website

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    Message Sent By
    Benjamin Fitzgerald
    (Wiltshire Police, Senior Media & External Communications Officer, Wiltshire)

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