Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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Wiltshire Police and Police & Crime Commissioner call for unity

Wiltshire Police and Police & Crime Commissioner call for unity

Wiltshire Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner have issued a message of unity following widespread disorder across the country.

Further incidents of violence and criminality have occurred across the weekend at various locations.

As a result, almost 400 people have been arrested in connection with these incidents and, to date, more than 50 people have been charged with criminal offences.

Nationally, there are 130 extra units in place, meaning almost 4,000 extra public order trained officers to deploy across the county.

All police forces are in daily contact and sharing information about any potential for disorder and how assets can be shared to provide the best response to our communities.

Read the full story here.


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Message Sent By
Amy Pantall
(OPCC, Campaigns and Communications Officer, Wiltshire)

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