Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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Salisbury anti-social behaviour meeting

Good afternoon,


Wiltshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson, joined Salisbury’s Neighbourhood Policing Team (Monday 8 June) as they met councillors and residents to discuss crime in the city.

The meeting, which was arranged by PCSO Charlotte King and local councillor Paul Sample, was set up to talk through a range of issues regarding anti-social behaviour (ASB) in his ward, St Edmund’s.

PCSO King and PC Pankhurst spoke to residents about the number of options available to them and to partner agencies to deal with anti-social behaviour and explained how they took an 

PCC Wilkinson spoke about the ASB funding, which has recently been awarded to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, and is being used to fund ASB wardens in the city centre.

In the first week of their patrols on July 1, the ASB hotspot wardens have dealt with:

  • 10 ASB incidents, including underage drinking, children smoking cannabis and young people causing nuisance
  • 2 Noise incidents 
  • 1 homeless welfare check
  • 1 break-in to a retail premises
  • 1 assault, with the assailant restrained until the police arrived
  • 1 incident of first aid given to a woman having a fit
  • 2 people pulled out of the river having jumped in whilst drunk
  • PC Pankhurst and PCSO King also gave residents crime prevention advice and introduced them to Mick Leighfield from the Bobby Van Trust, which provides a free home security advice to elderly and vulnerable people in Wiltshire.

    To find out more about reporting Anti-social behaviour, please follow this link: Report antisocial behaviour | Wiltshire Police 


    To find out more about the services offered by the Bobby Van Trust, please follow this link: Latest Scam Alerts In Wiltshire (wiltshirebobbyvan.org.uk)

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    Message Sent By
    Will Walder
    (Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Media and External Comms Officer, Wiltshire)

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