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Force Awards July 2024

Wiltshire Police officers and staff alongside members of the public have been recognised for their bravery, courage, and dedication in the latest Wiltshire Police Force Awards ceremony.

The Deputy Lieutenant of Wiltshire Mr David Scott and the High Sheriff of Wiltshire Dr Olivia Chapple OBE joined the Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson and Chief Constable Catherine Roper at the event in The Corn Exchange in Devizes on Wednesday 3 July.

Officers, staff, and members of the public were invited to attend the ceremony alongside their guests to celebrate careers and contributions that have demonstrated outstanding quality.

Chief Constable Catherine Roper said: “This was a wonderful evening celebrating the incredible achievements of Wiltshire Police officers, staff and volunteers along with members of our community.

“Since assuming my role in February last year, I have witnessed first-hand the tireless efforts, care and professionalism displayed by our teams and our communities.

“Policing is an honourable profession that demands the highest standards of integrity and compassion. 

“I always feel privileged to attend these evenings and hear about the achievements and dedication of officers and staff who work for Wiltshire Police, along with the selfless acts of members of the public who have put the needs of others ahead of themselves.

“We should also recognise that many of these achievements would not be possible without the encouragement, strength and support from family members and friends, some of whom attended the ceremony on Wednesday.

“To those who give that vital support - I thank you.”

The following awards were presented throughout the evening:

Nine Long Service awards

Chief Constable’s Commendation and Outstanding Teamwork Award

Three Chief Constable’s Certificates of Excellence

Nine Chief Constable’s Certificates of Recognition of the Public

Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Wilkinson said: “Chief Constable Roper has brought a renewed vigour and focus to Wiltshire Police over the past year and the Force’s removal from the ‘Engage’ process is testament to the tremendous work that has happened in that time across the organisation to make Wiltshire safer.

“These awards come at a momentous time for Wiltshire Police as we collectively move towards continuing the journey of improvement to ensure that victims and witnesses get the very best service and that the Force delivers in the way our residents expect and deserve.

“The standards set by these officers serve as a benchmark for policing in Wiltshire and it is now incumbent upon us all to complement these instances of individual excellence with consistency across the Force and encourage others by serving as inspiration.

“I am confident that their professionalism, dedication, and unwavering commitment to upholding public service's core values will enhance public trust in our work.”

For the full story and a complete list of award recipients - please click here. 

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Mark Jones
(Police, Communications Officer, Corporate Communications )

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