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Recent Scam Incidents

We have received a number of reports from members of the public locally in the Salisbury and Amesbury area who have been phoned by a caller claiming to be a police officer, asking for their bank details. 

Please be aware that our officers would never ask for such details.


This type of crime is called Courier fraud. It occurs when a fraudster contacts victims by telephone pretending to be a police officer or bank official. To gain a victim’s trust, the caller might be able to confirm some easily obtainable personal details such as their full name and address. The caller might then suggest money has been removed from their account by mistake, police need money for evidence or even need the victim to purchase an item of high price ‘evidence’.

The victim is told to withdraw a large amount of money and the cash is picked up later by a courier to “check for fingerprints or to identify counterfeit bank notes”. Alternatively, the victim may be asked to package the cash up and send it by post to an address provided by the fraudster.  Often a password is provided, which will then be provided on collection of the money.  The fraudsters will remain on the phone line throughout the entire duration of their ‘investigation’ either on the victims mobile phone or on their landline number at home.

In the last six days we have had nine reports of these types of incidents. Often the fraudster is pretending to be from the ‘the Flying Squad, The Met Police, or from Bourne Hill Police station’. The caller will often advise the victim to call 999 to confirm the details to the police, but they stay on the line and have someone else pretending to be in the call centre.

If you suspect you have been targeted, put the phone down and call the police or your bank from another landline or mobile to check, not the line you were called on.


Here are some tips for helping you to protect yourself and your loved ones:

  • Your bank or the police will never call you to ask you to verify your personal details or PIN by phone or offer to pick up your card by courier. Hang up if you get a call like this.

  • If you need to call your bank back to check, wait five minutes; fraudsters may stay on the line after you hang up. Alternatively, use a different line altogether to call your bank.

  • Your debit or credit card is yours – don’t let a stranger take it off you. You should only ever have to hand it over at your bank. If it’s cancelled, you should destroy it yourself.

  • If you’ve given your bank details over the phone or handed your card to a courier, call your bank straight away to cancel the card.

  • If you have been a victim of this type of crime and money has been lost please report this via 101, or via the online reporting system. 

    If the crime is happening and in progress please make sure that you call 999.


    More information can be located here- Annoying phone calls or unwanted visits | Wiltshire Police


    Please be aware we have organised a Talk on Scams on Tuesday 11th June 2024 at 11am to take place at The Pheonix Hall, Netheravon as part of their Cheerful Cuppa- all are welcome


    From your Neighbourhood Team. 


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    Message Sent By
    Jody Kinge
    (Police, PC, Amesbury NPT)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials