The Police
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** Community Impactive Crimes **

Please find below details relating to the Community Impactive Crimes that have occurred between Monday 29th January and Sunday 4th February in the Trowbridge area.


Burglary - Garage                                29/01/2024

Warbler Close - Entry has been gained to a garage and electrical items have been stolen from within.


Criminal Damage                                29/01/2024

Trowbridge Town Centre - Known male has entered a bin storage area and has set fire to industrial bins at the location.


39 year old male has been arrested and has been Released Under Investigation, pending further enquiries.


Burglary                                               02/02/2024

Charles Street - Persons have attempted to gain entry to a community building. Damage caused to window and door of premise. No entry gained and nothing stolen.


Burglary                                               04/02/2024

A361 - Persons have gained entry to commercial building by smashing window.


Burglary                                               04/02/2024

Hackett Place - Persons have gained entry to commercial property. Items stolen from within.


  • Most burglaries are opportunistic.
  • Always close and lock doors and windows when you go out - even if just for a short time - and when you go to bed at night. Don't forget doors into garages and conservatories.
  • Make sure your locks and security measures comply with your insurance requirements.
  • Keeps keys, including shed and car keys, in a place where they're not visible to anyone looking in. Don't leave keys in the door, and never hide a spare key outside.
  • Keep valuables hidden and not visible from windows.
  • Take photographs of your valuable items for insurance purposes and keep them with your policy.
  • Window locks and visible burglar alarms can act as a deterrent to criminals.
  • Never leave packaging from new goods visible with your general rubbish. Criminals may see it and target your property.
  • Draw curtains in the evening and leave your lights on a timer switch if you're going out.
  • Never give your keys to anyone you do not know well. Change locks in a new property so that you know exactly who has the keys.
  • Never keep large amounts of cash in the house.
  • Consider keeping expensive jewellery, house deeds and other important item in a home safe, anchored to the brick work.

    Consider registering expensive items with a forensic marking company such as SmartWater or SelectaDNA.




  • Gary MACKENZIE, 41 year old male from Trowbridge has been arrested and charged following a disorder which occurred in Trowbridge Town Centre on the 1st February. He has been charged with an Act of Outraging Public Decency and a Public Order Offence.  He was remanded to appear before court on the 2nd February and was released by the court on bail, he is next due to appear on 4th March 2024.


  • Jay BARRY, 22 year old male from Bath and Carl GREGORY, 20 year old male from Chippenham were arrested and charged with an offence of  Theft from a Shop. They have both been released on conditional bail and are due to appear before Salisbury Magistrates Court on the 1st March 2024.


    Please note that whilst there may have been other community impactive incidents that have occurred, I have not mentioned these as they have either already been reported separately by Trowbridge Police via our media channels or we are unable to provide details due to ongoing investigations.


    If there is anything else that you would like to see sent out via community messaging, then please do not hesitate to let me know.




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    Message Sent By
    Charly Chilton
    (Police, Sergeant, Trowbridge NPT)

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